Sunday, May 17, 2020

Relationship between Team Members Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Team members should have competition but it should be healthy competition with the help of which the standard of work increases and the overall performance of the member improves. Team members usually belong to diverse cultures and have different traditions and ways of living. Instead of creating huddles team members should be co-operative which increases solidarity amongst team members. for example, if one team member is a Muslim and an important Muslim festival like Eid is on the day of deadline other team members should distribute his work because of which he will be able to attend his festival. Then team members should feel that the good of the team should hold maximum priority. People in a team should not accuse each other or be unsupportive due to personal reasons. People in a team should keep their team ahead of all other feelings. They should support their team members, help them and cooperate with them. An example can be that if a subdivided task given to an employee one is not finished on time because of which the other member employee two cannot continue his task. We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship between Team Members or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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